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體育新世界 – 特技滑板車專訪(Freestyle Scooter)
Rider: Alan Mak, Ting Chun, Alex Buffery, B So(蘇野男)
2020-01-11: Fanling Skatepark(one day edit)
Rider: Alex Buffery, Sean Liu, Sajib Hossain, Alan Mak
Film & Edit: Alan Mak
Music: I Never Stop To See You Crying
Music by: Belair
📱 i7 with moment lens
Tuen Mun night street scootering(屯門踩街)
Film: LazyYip(GoPro), Alan Mak(iPhone)
Edit: Alan Mak
北區X Games邀請賽2018
日期(Date): 28/10/2018
時間(Time): 14:00-18:00
地點(Place): 粉嶺安樂門街極限運動場 Fanling Skatepark
主辦(Organizer):民建聯北區支部DAB North Branch / 香港極限運動聯會X-FED
贊助(Sponsored):O22Y Skate Shop, Fanling Skate Shop, MADDGEAR, 楊文聰先生, 朱浩賢先生, 新社聯
全力支持(Support by) : VANS HK, RedBull HK, UrbanArtt, 陳克勤(立法會議員), 周浩鼎(立法會議員), Stunt Scooter Hong Kong
比賽內容(Content): 特技滑板車(Stunt Scooter) 滑板(Skateboard)
1400 開場儀式 Opening Ceremony
1430 滑板車熱身 Scooter Warmup
1500 滑板車比賽 Scooter Contest
1600 滑板熱身 Skateboard Warmup
1630 滑板比賽 Skateboard Contest
1730 頒獎儀式 Award Ceremony
聯絡(Contact) : +852 91874500 (WhatsApp)
追隨 @xfed_hk Instagram 留意更多比賽即時更新!
Follow us @xfed_hk on Instagram for more update information.
*Participants should sign up at 1300-1400
宣傳影片Promo video>
Ronald Bull with UrbanArtt 125mm DISK Wheels 🤙🏻 #teamo22y